Calico Cow Acres

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Hearty Ramen

We just really love soup!

Ramen & Pho & Soup, oh my! I love soup in any form, on any day of the year, no matter the weather. And I’ve tried a lot of ramen recipes, attempting to create something as good as the restaurants but from HOME. It’s tough, guys, lemme tell ya! But, this is it. This is the darn recipe I’ve been looking for all this time. And I’m going to share it with you because it’s easy and delicious!

I love ramen so much because it’s SO customizable. Stick with the basics or go all out. Get a lil crazy and load ‘er up if you want. It’s going to be good no matter what.


  • 2Tbsp butter/ghee

  • Mushrooms

  • Meat or tofu

  • 1c white wine

  • 5 cloves garlic, minced

  • 2qt broth (veggie or chicken) 

  • 2 tbsp soy sauce/tamari/coconut aminos

  • 1tbsp + of sriracha 

  • 1/4c honey 

  • 1tbsp toasted sesame oil

  • Onion & garlic powder

  • Mustard powder, ginger powder, pepper, salt, red pepper flakes or cayenne (Start with a small amount of each, like 1tsp or less, and add to taste. Especially the pepper flakes or cayenne if you’re sensitive to spice. I don’t measure these, I just sprinkle!)

  • Ramen noodles (your favorite kind)

Topping Ideas:

  • Corn

  • Shaved carrots

  • Soft boiled egg

  • Green onion

  • Bok Choy

  • Bean sprouts

  • Fresh mushrooms


Step 01:

In a large pot, melt 2tbsp butter over medium-high & add mushrooms. Sauté til golden brown. Don’t overcrowd the pan or they’ll get rubbery.

Step 02:

If you’re adding meat, do it at this time. I don’t find it necessary for my ramen & like mushrooms as my protein. Once your meat is cooked, remove it from the pan (and mushrooms too). If you’re just using mushrooms you can leave them in the pan.

Step 03:

Turn temp to medium, Add your wine & deglaze the bottom of the pot. I like Chardonnay (I use the cheap winking owl kind from aldi!)

Step 04:

Mince up your garlic & add to pot.

Step 05:

After a couple minutes, add your other liquids: broth, water if necessary to get the amount of liquid you want, honey, sriracha, sesame oil and soy sauce.

Step 06:

Add dry seasonings.

Step 07:

Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer. You can add eggs here to soft boil or you can make them separately. 

Step 08:

While the soup is simmering, shave your carrots & chop your green onions.

Step 09:

Once your eggs are done (after about 10mins), you can either add your ramen noodles to the soup pot OR cook them separately. If you plan to eat this for more than one meal (Aka leftovers) I suggest cooking the noodles in a separate pot.

Step 10:

Add noodles to your bowl, add broth, then your carrots, egg, meat/mushrooms if you removed them initially, green onions, and I like to add a little handful of corn to it at this point, as well. Additional toppings: Bok Choy, Bean Sprouts, Fresh Mushrooms, and more.

To level it up, add a small dollop of heavy cream to get more of a tonkatsu style ramen. 

Do you have any questions?

As always, I encourage you to send me a message on my Instagram account (@calicocowacres) or email me if you have any recipe questions or need advice while making it. I want my recipes to be something you can adapt and make your own - and I’m happy to help you do it!

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