Our Story

Well hello there!

I’m Mickayla, a 27-year-old architectural designer by day & a homesteader by night (and most other hours). My husband, Taylor, and I, along with our four sweet kitties (scroll down to meet them) recently relocated (again..iykyk) to the Foothills of North Carolina after living in our camper and moving across the country from our native state of Michigan.

Taylor is an automotive engineer and is a “cool car” fanatic. He loves to create things & I swear he’s the handiest person I’ve ever met. In addition to cars, he loves music and has a good-sized collection of guitars, vinyl, and more. At some point soon, he hopes to have the opportunity to nurture his love for woodworking, too. He’s likely the builder behind most of the projects you see around here. Someday, I will ask him to elaborate more on his hobbies and interests for you.

Thanks for being here - now go have a look around!

Meet the Crew

  • Buggy Loo

    Hey there, I’m Ariel but I prefer to go by “Bug” or “Buggy Loo”. I’m the medium one around here and the sassiest of all. I love snuggles & I’m learning to be an indoor girl again.

    Back in 2014, my mom adopted me from the shelter. Let’s just say, I was a hot commodity, but my mama & I were meant to be. I was 8 weeks old, severely underweight, and someone had tossed me off a bridge into the river. I’m a mermaid & I’m proud. I lived with my grandpa for a long time because I love to be outside, but now I’m back with my family & learning to be a sibling.

  • Mooseph John

    Hi there, my name is Moo! My full name is Mooseph John (yes, like “Joseph” with a “Moo”). I love snacks so very much, as well as taking long walks on my harness & leash through the backyard and snacking on the occasional blade of grass. I sleep right between Mom and Dad at night, and I always try and clean up after Mom in the kitchen (she’s so messy)!

    In May of 2016, my Mom was recovering from wisdom tooth surgery when she scrolled past a post on Facebook with a tiny 5 week old kitten (me) needing a home. We’ve been inseparable ever since. I’m the one who made us into a family!

  • Miss Peanut

    Hello, I’m PB. My full name is Miss Peanut Muffins, and I’m a very small girl with a tail so bushy that they call me “Squirrel”. I own everything and take backtalk from no one, and Daddy’s lap is my preferred throne.

    I used to be homeless, but before I had my babies at 9 months old in 2017, I hopped in the car with Mom’s friends and they took care of me. I gave birth to a variety pack of 5 nuggets (4 living), and they all got adopted. No one wanted to adopt me, so my Mom and Daddy “fostered” me until they realized I was the best girl. My family got lucky, and so did I.

  • Ricky

    Howdy! They call my Ricky, but my full name is Ricardoo (pronounced Rick-R-Doo), and I’m just a big kitten who loves to scale trees and catch critters outside.

    I appeared in a compost pile back in February 2023 & I decided this was the home for me, so I never left. I like to spend my days napping in trees outside, coming in occasionally for a snackie, and I love to spend every second outside in the garden or going on walks with my mom & dad on our property. At night you’ll find me snuggled in a cozy blanket with my dad or harassing my siblings to play with me.

“In order to bloom, you first must grow.”

~ Anonymous