Calico Cow Acres

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Indoor Seed Starting: Everything You Need

When it comes to seed starting there are always so many question that run through your head - even the head of an experienced gardener. A newbie might just not know where to start, whereas a seasoned pro is constantly questioning their previous methods to refine their process ~ and friends, it’s a forever ongoing process, for sure. I hope you find solace in that fact & it allows you to try this out, even if you don’t exactly know what you’re doing just yet!

Let’s start with this question - why would you want to start seeds indoors versus planting them directly into the garden? In it’s most simplistic form, the answer is this: it gives you a head start! It allows you to nurture those seedlings in a controlled environment and a timeline that works best for you, so you’re not relying on Home Depot or Walmart’s timelines for when they put their seedlings outside.

Some other benefits of starting your own seeds are:

  • It saves you money. You’ll spend $3 for 100 seeds versus $5 for one singular plant. That adds up!

  • You can control how they’re grown. A lot of the seedlings at the store are not grown organically.

  • You get access to a significant amount of variety as opposed to the storebought seedlings. Walmart carries 3 types of tomatoes (I don’t know if they actually do, this is theoretical), but it is legitimately estimated that there are over 10,000 tomato varieties that exist. TEN THOUSAND.

  • Lastly, to elaborate on the “head start” previously mentioned, starting seeds indoors allows those with shorter growing seasons to grow certain crops that take longer to produce. Even in Zone 7b here in north carolina, I have to start my peppers indoors in January. That’s nearly 12 weeks before my “estimated last frost date” (don’t know what that is? find yours here:

Not all seeds like to be started indoors (root crops, for example, do not like to be disturbed once they’re planted). I won’t elaborate much on this here, as it’s a whole other topic to discuss in length. The key here is to find out your first & last frost dates to determine the length of your growing season. Start with that!

Now let’s get more in depth.

This is my ENTIRE Indoor Seed Starting Setup.

This is a compilation of everything you could possibly need to successfully start seeds indoors. I’ve honed this list over the last few years, but believe me when I say I have made my fair share of mistakes. I’m still learning, too. I will forever be tweaking my process.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m confident you could grow some decent food with a very minimal setup, but' I’ve learned that having the correct tools & systems in place truly helps my garden thrive and keeps me slightly more sane during the spring rush of planting.

So what do you actually need for an awesome seed starting setup? Let’s get into that. If you already have all the tools you need, and you just want to see how I start my seeds or a visual tour of my setup, check out this video:

Everything You Need to Start Seeds Indoors



Heat Mats:

Trays & Containers



Potting Bench


Of Course, Seeds!

You should have everything you need to start seeds now…so go to one of those seed shops, make some soil blocks & get sowing!